Thursday, November 7, 2019

Pregnancy in Women essays

Pregnancy in Women essays In todays society women are looked upon as mothers born to reproduce. The men in this society sometimes pressure the women into producing a child. Although the male does have a part in the babies life, the women is the primary carrier of the baby and it is mostly up to her whether or not she should reproduce. A woman has to see if they can deal with the physical, mental, and the emotional changes in their life before having a baby. When a woman is pregnant they have to be ready to deal with the physical changes that are going to take place. The most dramatic and obvious change is the shape and weight one will gain. One usually gains about 10-15 pounds during the nine months period while carrying the fetus. The overall weight gain is about 25-30 pounds (M. Sara Rosenthal, 1994, p. 75). Their bodies will change greatly their hips will spread and thicken. One will start feeling aching of lower back and everywhere else. Also, ones will have tightened muscle and lack of flexibility. Therefore, one will get poor circulation and this will creates cramps (www.plannedparenthood , 1998 ). Ones breast will be tender, so one will have tenderness and tingling of the breast. Ones breast will increase and ones nipples will began to enlarge and darken. Their breast will enlarges due to the process of the milk forming. They will begin to sag due to the size (Richard L. Feinbloom, 2000, p. 64). These are some of th e physical changes that will take place during pregnancy. A woman has to see if they will be able to deal with the mental changes that will take place in her mind. When a woman is pregnant this can mean that her whole body system is placed under stress (www.plannedparenthood, 1998). So she has to be able to deal with her stress and self image (Richard L. Fein bloom, 2000, p. 77). She has to know if her body can handle having a baby. Also, she has to know if s ...

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