Saturday, May 23, 2020

Aging More Than Their Stereotypes Essay - 1589 Words

Aging: More Than Their Stereotypes As people continue to live life and grow older, it is inevitable that they will age. Aging has many effects on an individual’s physical health, emotional well-being, and cognition. Key developmental changes occur in vision and hearing; both begin declining as people age (Weiten, 2014). The deterioration of these senses can be seen in Young@Heart during the scene where a few members are joking around in a car. The driver was Lenny, an ex-World War II pilot, because he was the only one out of the group who could still see properly (Walker, 2008). The vision of every other member in the car had worsened to a point where it impacted their functioning in daily life by limiting their ways of transportation. While there are some detrimental effects of aging regarding physical health, research has shown that aging has generally improved the emotional well-being of individuals. Emotional well-being is the balance a person experiences in positive and n egative emotions, and older age has been associated with more positive emotions (Larzelere, 2011). Even during difficult times, such as a friend’s death, positive emotions were prevalent among the members of Young@Heart. Bob Salvini passed away just two weeks before the concert, and the members found out the morning they were to perform for prisoners at a local jail. In spite of the shock and sadness, the members supported each other by remaining positive and putting on a heartfelt performanceShow MoreRelatedAging Of Aging And Aging Essay1652 Words   |  7 PagesAs aging is a stage of development that cannot prevented, the question of â€Å"can one’s aging be more successful than another?† is posed my many. Researchers continually consider the differences between aging successfully, and aging unsuccessfully. As researchers work to complete their studies, many find a reoccurring basis of successful aging. 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