Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Division of labour Free Essays

Today, even simplest form of labor like, our day-to-day domestic work, is divided between services like house maids, milkman, laundry revise, daycare, transport services, along with restaurants or food deliveries. Most of the times, we do not realism how the concept of division of labor is more central to our lives than we think. Right from the beginning of the human life, to this day of again super-computers, the division of labor has made all the difference. We will write a custom essay sample on Division of labour or any similar topic only for you Order Now The division of labor brings in greater productivity of labor. If not for this productivity, today would have been only slightly different than the ice ages. This basic need for division of labor comes from the human desire to lead a better life. According to Smith, part of what makes us human, Is our propensity to truck, barter, and exchange Items. If everyone were to produce everything they need, there would be very less scope for any sort of Innovation and a lot of time In would be wasted In changing tools and materials. But, with the help of the division of labor, leading to efficiencies and surpluses, each member of the society could trade the fruits of his/her labor for other objects that are needed. This would result in the improvement of quality of life and a win-win situation. Division of labor creates specialized knowledge of a reticular task. It saves the laborer time as the time needed to adjust to new physical or mental frame works is eliminated. Doing the same thing over and over, leads to innovation in the methods and tools employed in the task. If not for the extensive form of division of labor, the world wouldn’t have been what it is today. The effective Dillon of labor Is limited by the market size. A vendor, who supplies to the only geography he has access to, can delve the labor to only a certain extent because, as productively Increases with the Dillon of labor, a large market Is needed o consume the products that it gives rise to. Thus as Eng as he doesn’t have access to larger market, the further division of labor is meaningless. Over the last few centuries, the advances in technology gas connected the geographies all over the world and so, the accessing the markets of these geographies has become easier. Thus, many businesses that were previously supplying to limited markets of villages and small cities are now spreading rapidly over parts of the nations and those supplying to parts for a nation are taking over the world. So, in order to increase earplugs and productivity also over tight competition from others of their kind, they need to go for greater extent of division of labor. The sustain in the world of tight competition, be It In the global or local scale, the division of labor has to make best use of available resources. This Dillon of labor, Is based on cheaper and faster access to resources, local human talent, cost of manufacturing and consumer base, thus increasing their productivity. For example, a lot of companies located in might have their production units in china or software development in US, taking advantage of natural or human resources available the locality. This has given rise to division of labor geographically. Today, majority of businesses, have various parts of the same product manufactured in various parts of the world. Also, we see many cities or various parts of world emerging as specialists in particular businesses. Now businesses are moving to Africa and India where they can find more consumers. The world has become a small village. Everyday, we see many huge companies shutdown after having failed sustain in the competition to cater to the changing need for services and products, and many new ones taking over the globe. Unlike the old times, today people don’t limit themselves to one particular Job, they look out for more Jobs that can fetch them more money. So, the increase in productivity achieved by division of labor at one Job, helps them divert their resources elsewhere to earn additional revenue. Today the information technology may be decreasing the kind of information asymmetry that existed before. Division of labor is omnipresent, be it in political organizations where the government is divided into legislative, Judiciary and executive branches or in latherer systems, where we have different doctors for different ailments. Today, there are enormous number of types and many more are getting added each day. Also, in today’s world, Adam Smith’s Division of Labor has got a new meaning with the division of labor between the humans and machines. The human intellectual skill combined with physical strength of the machines has changed our lives like never before. The computers, which are machines of one particular type have created wonders. They have created a major upheaval in the nature of human work. On one hand there is a division of labor between humans and Computer and on the other hand, there is a fast growing division of labor within humans who can and who cannot do valued work in the economy filled with computers. L] In the old times, the division of labor based on labor was widespread. The male population was supposed to earn the bread, and the female population was assigned to take care of domestic work. Unlike those days, today we see more and more women entering Jobs that were previously reserved for males. As the society is slowly coming out of self-imposed superst itions and restrictions regarding the granting equal rights and opportunities to females, the competition between male and female for the various Jobs is increasing. Only the best suited for the Job, irrespective of the gender, get the Job. Thus, the gender based division of labor is losing its impact. This reinforces the statement of Adam Smith saying ‘Competition is the best influence for increasing productivity’. Everybody wants to live a better life. This best of everything. Minored to attract buyers with good quality products and services in this barter, and sustain in the competition with others, there is a need for greater radioactivity. And again comes the role of division of labor to achieve more productivity. How to cite Division of labour, Papers

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